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Ruby: HTML/CSS to Image

Generate a png, jpg or webp images with Ruby. Renders exactly like Google Chrome.

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Generating images with Ruby

The API takes your HTML/CSS and runs it inside a real instance of Google Chrome to convert your html into an image. Use Ruby to send the API your HTML/CSS. You’ll get back the URL to your generated image.

For more details on how this works, see Creating an image.

Ruby Example Code

Use the HTML/CSS to Image Ruby client to interact with the API.

Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'htmlcsstoimage-api'

Initializing the API client

require "htmlcsstoimage"

# Retrieve your user id and api key from
client = "user-id", api_key: "api-key")

Alternatively, you can set ENV["HCTI_USER_ID"] and ENV["HCTI_API_KEY"]. These will be loaded automatically.

client =

Creating an image

image = client.create_image("<div>Hello, world</div>",
                            css: "div { background-color: red; font-family: Roboto; }",
                            google_fonts: "Roboto")

=> #<HTMLCSSToImage::ApiResponse url="", id="254b444c-dd82-4cc1-94ef-aa4b3a6870a6">
=> ""

To see additional methods available with the Ruby gem, see the documentation here.

Example with HTTParty

This example uses the HTTParty gem. Install with gem install httparty, or add it to your Gemfile.

require "httparty"
# Retrieve your user id and api key from the Dashboard
auth = { username: 'user_id', password: 'api_key' }

html = "<div class='ping'>Pong ✅</div>"
css = ".ping { padding: 20px; font-family: 'sans-serif'; }"

image ="",
                      body: { html: html, css: css },
                      basic_auth: auth)

# => {"url"=>""}

Ruby on Rails example with caching

This example uses Rails built in caching.

  • The cache key is a SHA of your html/css and google fonts.
  • You’ll only generate a unique image once.
  • If your HTML changes at all, a new image will be created. Subsequent calls using the same HTML/CSS parameters will return the cached URL rather than creating a new image.
require "htmlcsstoimage"

def self.fetch_url(html:, css: nil, google_fonts: nil)
  cache_key = "htmlcssimage/#{html}/#{css}/#{google_fonts}"
  cached_url =

  return cached_url if cached_url.present?

  client =
  image = client.create_image(html: html, css: css, google_fonts: google_fonts)

  if image.success?
    Rails.cache.write(cache_key, image.url, expires_in: CACHE_EXPIRATION)


Rendering a Rails view

This can be useful from within a controller. To render a view from Rails and pass it to the API, use render_to_string from within a controller action.

With this, you can create an image from a template and redirects the user to the image.

html = render_to_string("path/to/view", formats: :html, layout: false)
redirect_to fetch_url(html: html, google_fonts: "Roboto|Roboto+Condensed"), status: :found

Real world example

Take a look at’s source code to see how they implemented this for generating social cards. Code on GitHub.

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