We automatically send email notifications when your account reaches usage thresholds:
At 80% of your monthly limit
At 100% of your monthly limit
Response Headers
The simplest way to monitor usage is through the response headers returned with each image creation. These headers provide real-time usage information:
Your total image allowance for the current billing period
Number of renders used by this specific request
Total renders used in the current billing period
Monitoring Tip
These headers make it easy to implement usage alerts in your application before hitting your plan limits.
Usage API Endpoint
For detailed usage statistics, use our dedicated usage endpoint:
get https://hcti.io/v1/usage
This endpoint returns comprehensive usage data broken down by:
Hourly usage (last 72 hours)
Daily usage (last 60 days)
Monthly usage (last 12 months)
Per billing period statistics
Example Request
curl -X GET https://hcti.io/v1/usage \
-u 'user-id:api-key'
Response Format
The response includes usage data organized into different time periods: