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Always improving. Updates to HTML/CSS to Image are posted here.

If you have feature requests, please send them to us:

DPI query param

December 18, 2024

We’ve added a new query param dpi which allows you to set the DPI metadata tag on your generated image. For example This only sets the metadata tag, you must still create an image large enough for the needed DPI.

Learn how to make a downloadable image

December 20, 2023

Did you know? You can make your image downloadable by adding ?dl=1 to the end of the URL. Learn more here: dl param

New ms_delay and device_scale guides

November 19, 2023

We’ve added new pages with detailed information on how to better use ms_delay and device_scale.

  1. ms_delay
  2. device_scale

Getting account usage

April 12, 2023

We’ve added a new page explaining how to grab your account usage via the API.

Invoice improvements

June 18, 2022

The invoice page has been upgraded. You can now view all of your invoices, download a PDF, and make payments on any overdue invoices.

Integromat integration is now called Make

June 1, 2022

FYI - Integromat has rebranded to Make. We have updated all our links and documentation to now point to Make.

ms_delay improvements

May 18, 2022

This has been a much requested feature!

We have increased the ms_delay limit to 20 seconds (20,000ms). Usage above 5000ms does cost an additional image render credit. For example, using ms_delay of 10000ms on an image will count as 2 images towards your monthly quota.

This is useful for pages with very slow load times, such as metrics dashboards. We hope you find it useful!

Dashboard improvements

November 21, 2021

We have added a usage endpoint to the API. This exposes the amount of images your account has created in hourly, daily and monthly rollups. Learn more.

Dashboard improvements

October 29, 2021

We released several improvements to the dashboard and invoices based on your feedback.

Large image performance improvements

July 23, 2021

We made a handful of performance improvements for large image rendering speed.

Zapier integration updated

June 12, 2021

Released a new version of the Zapier integration. Making security + performance improvements.

Chrome version updated

May 15, 2021

We updated the image renderer to use the newest build of Chrome. This means all of the latest features in Chrome will also render the same through the API.

Hebrew character set updated

April 24, 2021

We released an update to our default fonts to fix a bug where hebrew characters were not rendering properly.

Image console on the dashboard

March 31, 2021

We’ve made a bunch of improvements to the Dashboard. You can now create images in your own account using the Image Console tab.

You can also create images using URL’s from the console. Click the Options tab to see the new url field.

Improvements to transparency rendering

February 16, 2021

Background transparency now also works for images generated from URLs. To do it, pass the following code in your CSS param.

body {
  background-color: transparent;

Note: this will only work for PNG’s. Jpeg’s do not support transparency.

Demo and example pages now include an options tab

February 4, 2021

We updated the live demo to be even more configurable. Now you can adjust all the options on an image when testing.

We have also been releasing more examples which can be played with inside of the live demo. Give them a try here: HTML/CSS to Image Examples.

Integromat integration updated

January 16, 2021

We released new params to the Integromat integration.

  • CSS injection available for URLs.
  • selector for specifying a CSS selector.

New params added to Zapier

January 6, 2021

A new version (1.0.10) of our Zapier plugin has been released. It includes some great new parameters for better control over your images.

  • viewport_height
  • viewport_width
  • ms_delay

We also improved the error messages for when you run into a problem.

Inject custom CSS into a webpage

December 22, 2020

When using URL to Image, you can now inject CSS into the page. This is useful for cases where you want to customize your screenshot of the page. Allowing you to do things like hide specific elements on the page (such as annoying popups or cookie banners). To get started with it, pass along the css param when using URL to image. This is now available on Zapier and soon will also be working for Integromat.

Zapier integration updated to 1.0.7

December 20, 2020

We’ve released a new version of the Zapier integration. It now gives you even more configuration options when creating images. For URL images, you’ll now see a CSS field. This allows you to inject CSS into the webpage. Making it easy to customize how the page looks.

We have also added the selector field to the normal Create image action. This allows you to target a specific CSS selector in your HTML and we’ll crop the image to that element.

Improvements to image deletion

December 13, 2020

We’ve improved image deletion. Previously, images might take several minutes to be uncached and deleted everywhere. Now they are removed almost instantly. For more information, learn how to delete an image.

Full screen parameter added to Integromat

November 13, 2020

Integromat now has the full_screen parameter available. When set to true the entire height of the page will be included in the image.

Additional font rendering improvements

November 1, 2020

We released another improvement to default font rendering. Fixing character widths when “Helvetica Neue” is specified as the default font family.

Ruby client update

October 2, 2020

We released a patch update to the HTML/CSS to Image Ruby Client. It fixes an issue with addressable not being loaded.

Font rendering improvements

September 30, 2020

We have released a large update to the fonts available to the API. Previously, we were missing some character sets and some images would show an empty square instead of the correct character. Our goal is to be able to perfectly render text from any language.

If you notice any more missing characters, please send us the image URL so that we can investigate it.

Various performance improvements released

September 10, 2020

We’ve been working on further improving the performance of the API. Initial image renders are now ~30% faster. We have also improved caching of images. When cached, you can expect an average of 30-50ms when downloading an image.

Zapier plugin released from beta!

August 31, 2020

The HTML/CSS to Image Zapier integration has graduated from beta. Zapier wrote up a nice blog post about the integration. It’s become very popular quickly and we’ve seen many inventive ways people are improving their businesses through automated image generation.

New Live Editor

August 16, 2020

We’ve rebuilt the live demo. Now you can preview your HTML/CSS as you edit it. Then click the image button to see it converted into an image. This makes it much easier to prototype your images inside a browser.

Ruby Client released

August 7, 2020

We have released the first version of our new ruby client. This allows for easier integration with the API using Ruby.

Integromat updates

August 3, 2020

We’ve added additional parameters to the Integromat integration. You can now use selector, ms_delay and device_scale.

Template API

July 27, 2020

The Template API is now available. With templates, you can create re-usable HTML that contains variables. These variables can be replaced when creating an image, making for even simpler image generation.

Render when ready

July 26, 2020

We have added the render_when_ready parameter to image creation. This gives you control over when the image is rendered.

By setting render_when_ready to true, we will wait to generate the image until your HTML calls the ScreenshotReady() function in JavaScript.

This is useful for images that have complex JS and you need control over when it’s ready to have an image created.

New Zapier templates

July 22, 2020

We have added additional Zapier templates to the integration. You can see them here: HTML/CSS to Image Templates.

Introducing the US-EAST region

July 7, 2020

We have enabled our US-EAST region. Your API requests will now be automatically routed to either US-WEST or US-EAST based on where you ae located. This will improve latency for requests as well as reliability of the API. We will automatically fail over to the other region is one is unhealthy.

We plan to introduce an EU region in the future.

Brand new docs site

July 5, 2020

We’ve released a new version of our documentation website. It’s now simpler, faster & we’ve improved the organization of all the content. Please send us any feedback.

URL to Image performance improvements

July 17, 2020

We have been working on performance improvements to URL to Image. We’ve improved reliability when screenshotting webpages with large amounts of network requests and JavaScript.

URL to Image

March 27, 2020

We’ve added the ability to create images from URL’s. We’re calling this URL to Image. Learn more.

ms_delay parameter

February 12, 2020

We have added the ms_delay parameter. Allowing you to specify how long you want the rendered to wait before generating the image. Useful for HTML with many assets or JavaScript that needs extra time to load.

Deleting images

December 12, 2019

We have added the Delete endpoint. You can now delete an image and it will be completely removed from our servers. Requests to the image URL will return 410.

Integromat integration

November 29, 2019

Our Integromat integration is now available. You can use the integration to connect HTML/CSS to Image with the thousands of integrations available on Integromat.

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Built with extensive integration tests and serious care for developer happiness.
© 2018-2024 Code Happy, LLC.

Page last modified: Dec 26 2024 at 02:39 PM.

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